пятница, 8 января 2016 г.

Bring Your Houseplants Inside but Leave the Bugs Outside

Bring Your Houseplants Inside but Leave the Bugs Outside
Bring Your Houseplants Inside but Leave the Bugs Outside

cleaning tips garden plants inside bug free, cleaning tips, container gardening, gardening

  • cleaning tips garden plants inside bug free, cleaning tips, container gardening, gardening

  • cleaning tips garden plants inside bug free, cleaning tips, container gardening, gardening

  • cleaning tips garden plants inside bug free, cleaning tips, container gardening, gardening

  • cleaning tips garden plants inside bug free, cleaning tips, container gardening, gardening

  • cleaning tips garden plants inside bug free, cleaning tips, container gardening, gardening

  • cleaning tips garden plants inside bug free, cleaning tips, container gardening, gardening

Step 5: Remove any dead /dying foliage or flowers. Inspect for bugs under leaves and along the stem. Repeat the bath if the bugs are not all gone or use a sponge and wipe them off gently then spray again with the hose.

Step 6: Let drain completely. Now they are ready to be taken back inside.

  • cleaning tips garden plants inside bug free, cleaning tips, container gardening, gardening

Step 7: Reintroduce them slowly to the indoors especially if they were in full sun. I do this by moving them indoors at night and putting them out in the morning-reducing the amount of time outside daily by an hour or two. It usually takes about a week. This helps to reduce shock.

Step 8: Enjoy you plants! For the first month your plants may drop some leaves-this is common and caused by the shock of moving back inside but it should recover given time. Just make sure to cut back on fertilizer, give it enough light and water when needed (don't over water) and your plants should make it through the colder months to enjoy another summer outside.

This works great for most houseplants except large ones. My next post I will show you how I prepare my large houseplants for moving inside.

Original article and pictures take http://www.hometalk.com/4930338/cleaning-tips-garden-plants-inside-bug-free#lb-signup site

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