суббота, 21 мая 2016 г.

How to Grow Garlic - HealthyGreenSavvy

How to Grow Garlic - HealthyGreenSavvy
How to Grow Garlic - HealthyGreenSavvy

Growing garlic is easy, economical, and you get the most flavorful garlic (plus bonuses like scapes!) Click to read more or pin to save for later.

Do you know how to grow garlic? Garlic is a fun and easy crop that saves you money on a super-healthy food!

Each of those little cloves is actually a seed for another full head of garlic, so you can replant your garlic endlessly. You can also enjoy the delicacy of a lesser-known garden gem called spring garlic, which is the scallion-like immature plant, before it begins bulbing. Spring garlic is one my favorite treats of early spring, perfect sauteed with early-maturing spinach served over pasta with parmesan cheese. Recipe here.

Why Grow Garlic?

Besides being a flavorful addition to salsas, sauces, soups, and more, garlic deserves the label “superfood” for its impressive medicinal qualities. It’s considered an effective antimicrobial and may even protect against some types of cancer. Keep garlic around to ward off colds. Many folks swear by raw garlic for stopping viral infections in their tracks, and some limited research suggests they’re on to something. (I’m not into swallowing plain raw garlic as some advise, but mixing some fresh crushed garlic into chicken soup has perhaps helped me keep some colds at bay. I also consume a lot of elderberry tea when I feel a cold coming on.)

I choose about 6 of my biggest cloves to grow new bulbs, and space them about 6″ apart. You might want to grow more; I get a lot of garlic as part of my CSA, so I don’t need to grow much for bulb garlic. But there’s never enough spring garlic!

Then I plant at least a dozen–sometimes two dozen–of my smaller cloves for spring garlic closer together (2-3″). When they’re ready, they look like large scallions, and you pull them up whole, using mainly the white part.

spring garlic

How to Grow Garlic: When and How to Plant

Bonus tip: In late winter, when the garlic in your pantry is getting sprouty, plant it in a container inside your house for tasty garlic scallions! More details here.

Have you ever grown your own garlic? Think you might try it this season?

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Home-grown garlic an easy, fun, and economical crop. How to plant and harvest garlic bulbs, shoots, and scapes for great cooking and better health. Click to read more or pin to save for later!

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Photo Credits: Isabel Eyre, Kasey Eriksen via Flickr

Shared at The Art of Homemaking Mondays

Original article and pictures take http://www.healthygreensavvy.com/how-to-grow-garlic/ site

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