Some Pinterest projects are just too good not to try yourself. Consider these boxes on that list. How adorable is this – Make a keepsake box full of mementos and pictures from a trip, rather than trying to scrapbook everything. Mind = Blown.
Now that our kitchen is nearly complete, it’s rare that I pin kitchen spaces. This one was worthy. Check out that natural wood butcher block island and lantern ceiling light. So fresh.
Obviously, that was a lie. I could never pin enough kitchens. Yellow cabs, concrete counters, black accents. Gahh..
I may be spending more time on Society 6 than Pinterest these days. You know that says a lot. I have a hardcore crush on Emily Rickard’s work. And again with the color combo.
Not like this photo needs anymore help blowing up the blogosphere.. but I couldn’t help myself. It has my mind overflowing with ideas for our green file cabinet.
It’s a daily struggle to restrain myself from filling our entire house with watercolor products. They’re just SO good.
Yup. Pergolas on the brain.
How cute are these? DIY spice tins.
Rustic, colorful, modern, and right up my alley. Also, check out this cool version of board and batten. Love.
Tree stump and painted rocks tic-tac-toe. Ummm.. why is this just now being done?
Such an inspiring play space.
I’m loving this idea for lining our driveway!
This room is delicious.
And while we’re on the topic of luscious velvet.. Maybe a few accent chairs in the addition? Or the entire room. Either way.
THIS color combination.
See all this pinning action in real time by following me on Pinterest!
Original article and pictures take http://www.cape27blog.com/2013/05/thats-pinteresting-12/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+Cape27Blog+(Cape+27)&utm_content=Yahoo!+Mail&_szp=435873 site
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