воскресенье, 13 ноября 2016 г.

Wildest Dreams Garden Design

Wildest Dreams Garden Design
Wildest Dreams Garden Design

Today, the first of the Moon of Slush

aka. October, and no slush yet in sight, I’m happy to say. But first frost is arriving next week, it seems. Yikes. Let’s hope that it is not a deep one, for quite a few plants are still in the growth mode and not realising its time for the long sleep.

On the other hand, I’ve been just trying to get up to speed with the school that started in early September. The subject is interesting with GIS / Geographic Information Systems in focus this time, and how they can be put to use in design and in management. Recent pop song refrains come to mind: Work work work work work.. ;) hehehe

The last few clematis flowers are lingering, only the asters are at their best. I love them for their hard work at the end of the season when everything else is looking ratty and tired. This past month saw the turning of the leaves, for myself too: our Clematis paper was finally published! I’m so happy about that! You can take a look at the abstract here:

I want to thank you all for being there with me on this journey. All the rebloggers, you are doing such a fantastic job. Thank you for including my posts in your collections! I’m so very grateful.

And no less grateful I am for all the likes and sweet comments I’ve received this past month! They so warm me when the going gets chilly! Thank You! I want also to welcome all the new followers. Hope you’ll enjoy it here! :) Special shoutouts to Aubrie @bitsofstarglow/ @aubriestar, Lauren @lzlabs/ @lzlabseesu, @greenreblooming, Debra @teaberrybee, Amy @amymontico, @secret-silent-speculation, Stef @stefcordey and Gretchen @rivermusic.

Big hugs to everyone,

�� Daniel

Original article and pictures take http://wildestdreamsgardens.tumblr.com/ site

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